2019-03-08: Boarding

Sitting outside my gate, 30 minutes from boarding.

I’m enjoying the free wi-fi in the terminal and am surrounded by Americans for the first time in a while. It feels good, but a bit overwhelming overhearing everyone’s conversations. My ears keep perking up for English around me, but it’s only going to get increasingly normal to hear this. For example I heard a conversation about an expensive “full body massage,” a father talking about how his son isn’t getting acclimated to China, conversations about work meetings, and some flight attendants chatting about what they had for dinner yesterday.

My flight is 13 hours, and I’ll arrive home at 6pm “today”. I’m on my laptop, downloading some books and audio to listen to, as well as transferring some movies and TV over from my portable hard drive.


During the flight I had the chance to watch some movies.

Green Book

This won “Best Picture” in the Oscars recently. It was a feel-good, kinda generic movie that’s acceptable and entertaining for most audiences.

Ready Player One

I read this book recently so I watched the movie. Although the book was more entertaining, it was fantastic to see how many IPs they got! The Shining, Halo, “Twitch,”


On the flight I spilled a cup of water all over my laptop in my backpack. Now the screen is stained like there’s water behind it, and the lower-left corner is flickering. Here’s hoping it’s fixable!

See also